

Ewoud van Rijn is an artist who lives and works in Amsterdam. Van Rijn regards the image space of his often large scale and overwrought images as a metaphorical and fictional space that simultaneously positions itself within, beyond, aside and in front of everyday reality. It’s content is fuelled by the ever recurring discussion on the end of art and the death of painting in particular, which is taken as a metaphor for today's cultural and moral state of affairs. Recently, this has lead into researches on ‘dead’ cultures that are being ‘revived’, specifically Northern European pagan cults.

 Karin de Jong (Hoorn, Netherlands, 1969) is an artist who lives and works in Rotterdam. In Rotterdam she initiated ROOM in 1999. One of ROOM's projects is PrintROOM, established by De Jong and Carla Cruz in 2003. PrintROOM is a growing collection of artists' publications that is presented at various locations.

Ewoud van Rijn and Karin de Jong’s residency was supported by Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam and the Royal Netherlands Embassy, Canberra.

This information was current at the time of their residency.