

Anna Maris May was born in Melbourne in 1965. She largely exhibited in Australia and internationally in New Zealand, Japan, Denmark and France.

Anne-Marie May evolved out of the Arte Povera scene associated with the Store 5 artist-run gallery in Prahran, open in the late 1980s. Despite moving on up to the professional art world, Anne-Marie retained her license to use everyday materials in the name of art. Using the formal directions of abstract art, she was able to incorporate materials such as denim, felt and carpet into works for exhibiting. The processes were kept deliberately open so that the materials themselves could influence the final piece: denim fans out, a Stanley knife moves inside felt and carpet coarsens the image.
Anne-Marie feeds like an enzyme on the visual fabric. Craft techniques enable her to combine visual elements in vocal assemblages and humming forms.

This information was current at the time of her residency.